Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Test Optional Colleges

Originally Published in Hindustan Times Education Supplement

Very soon students who took the SAT on June 1st will get their results. For students who have scored well, this will open a new chapter and give clarity on U.S. colleges within the dream, target, and safety range. For students who did not score well, it can be an extremely discouraging moment in the college application process. But don’t despair – while the U.S. has traditionally been the leader in the pesky standardized test requirement, lately several colleges have revised their policy and introduced ‘test optional’ applications for very good reasons. 

MBA Success

Originally published in Hindustan Times Education Supplement

Every year I am contacted by MBA applicants who have no good reason and no real chance of being accepted into top global programs, yet they want to ‘try’ despite my strong discouragement. MBA admissions are not a lottery. You don’t just buy a ticket and hope for the best. Top global MBA programs (e.g. Harvard, Wharton, Stanford, Chicago, INSEAD, LBS, Kellogg, etc.) have serious requirements against which applicants are evaluated. 

Singing your Praises - Recommendations

Originally published in the Hindustan Times Education Supplement

Whether you are applying for undergraduate, graduate or MBA, most foreign universities require at least 1 letter of recommendation (LOR) in order to get  an objective perspective on you beyond grades and test scores. Unfortunately many students treat the process of requesting LOR’s as an afterthought. This is a mistake because colleges often use recommendations to tip an already good application into the admit pile. Looking at it this way, LOR’s are as important as essays, but students rarely spend the same amount of time thinking about LOR’s as they do essays.