Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Fostering Independence

Originally Published in The Hindustan Times Education Section
I’m not a parenting expert and I have no training in child psychology, but as a person who gives advice to college applicants on how to succeed, the topic of raising responsible and and self-reliant adolescents seems appropriate. I see too many 15 to 17 year olds who are eager to attend the best colleges, but who have never been allowed to make a single mistake or take an independent decision. These children are “packaged” by the time they apply to college and colleges are not interested in perfectly packaged students. They are interested in students who can handle life’s realities.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Study in Canada

originally published in The Hindustan Times Education section

At a recent MBA college fair, I met several representatives from Canadian universities. Though I am from the USA, I knew very little about the education system of our neighbors to the North. In the session I collected some compelling facts about studying in Canada. 

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Top 5 Things You Should Always Do For An Interview

Originally Published in The Hindustan Times Education section

Interview season is upon us. Some early applicants have already had interviews, while others are preparing for calls after the new year. Top 5 things you should always do for an academic interview.

Why College X?

Originally published in The Hindustan Times Education section

Many colleges abroad ask you to write an essay about why you want to attend their program. “Why Princeton” for example, is a particualry daunting one. These questions are also sometimes combined with questions about yourself, e.g. explain “why you have chosen Carnegie Mellon and your particular major(s), department(s) or program(s).” But all these types of questions require the same deep and insightful research on the part of the applicant. 

Timing Your College Applications

Originally published in The Hindustan Times Education Section

December 31st has a special meaning to applicants planning to study in the US in 2014.  The general perception is that unless you are applying early decision, you submit your applications around December 31st and then wait until the end of March to get your decision. Well, the reality is that there are a bunch submission opportunities before December 31st that can yield good news long before March 2014.