Friday, 27 February 2015

How to select your subjects wisely

Originally Published in The Hindustan Times Education Supplement

Students in 10th standard are busy preparing for upcoming board exams. But for many, an additional looming turning point is subject choice for the 11th and 12th standard. As I meet students who are facing this decision, I have found that there is a lot of misunderstanding about which subjects you should choose and why.

Monday, 23 February 2015

MBA Admissions: Be resourceful

Originally Published in The Hindustan Times Education Supplement

I get questions all the time, ranging from the obvious to the obscure. You may be surprised to know that I actually do not have all the information stored in my brain. Just like everyone else, I use technology and other compiled resources to answer questions and provide students and families with the information they need. Some resources are better than others, so today I’ll share my favorite picks with you. I hope that as the next application cycle begins, around July this year, readers can use this list to help them get started and answer basic questions.