Tuesday, 29 November 2016

How to crack the MBA interview

Originally Published in The Hindustan Times Education Supplement

Recently my colleague, Vrinda Jalan, wrote some helpful pointers on using the MBA interview as an opportunity to reinforce your personal brand. Since the first round of interview invitations for global MBA programs is upon us, I thought it would be relevant to share some of her tips.

Applicants often underestimate the interview, a crucial step in the MBA admissions process. A powerful component, the interview brings to life all the written application materials and helps admissions committees – 

Friday, 25 November 2016

Crossing the big hurdle - the Oxbridge interview process

As December draws closer, perhaps your anxiety levels are skyrocketing in anticipation of your interview with Oxbridge university tutors. Being invited for an interview is a huge achievement and an amazing opportunity!  Here are a few tips to help you prepare and get the most out of your experience.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Boarding school, a great option for parents seeking a holistic education for their children

Have you ever considered sending your child to boarding school? Historically and even today, children are enrolled in boarding schools because:
  1. Local schooling options are not of high quality
  2. Families feel that the experience of boarding school builds character and makes their children more independent
  3. Because family circumstances (health, work, etc.) are such that children’s care and education is better executed in a residential schooling environment than at home
However, recently other reasons are becoming equally compelling and often mean that families are considering boarding schools abroad as well as international boarding schools within India.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Community colleges can be a good alternative for higher education abroad

Originally Published in The Hindustan Times Education Supplement

The top names in foreign education have become familiar to all of us. Lately, however, when it comes to educaation in the US, another term is becoming well known: community college. As someone growing up in middle-class American the community colleges were far more known to me than the Ivy League. In fact 40% of bachelor’s degree students in the USA began at community college.